James Colledge, a founding member of Preserving Womersley tells the story of Farnley Hey. The fabulous imagery is reproduced here with the kind permission of Andrew Spicer from Fairholme Films.
Farnley Hey was the first project completed by Peter Womerlsey. Built for his brother John and his wife as a wedding present, its use of setting and presentation to the spectacular views offered were to become signatures of Womersley’s work. It was to be the first of three houses Peter designed for John, the last being Valley Spring in Bath, in 1968.
(Image credit: Andrew Spicer)
It is also the structure that led Bernat and Margaret Klein to Womersley’s door, having caught sight of it while in Yorkshire, resulting in a lifetime friendship and creative collaboration that gifted us with High Sunderland and the Klein Studio in the Scottish Borders.
(Image credit: Andrew Spicer)
The rest is history*.
We are delighted to be able to share here the still photographs and video created by Andrew Spicer for Fairholme Films, with the collaboration of the current owners.
Click here to watch the short film.
(Image credit: Andrew Spicer)